4 Ways to Improve Workplace Safety Training

Running a business comes with a host of responsibilities. One of the most important is safety, it is a business necessity and an essential part of  workplace culture. As a CEO or manager, you must do everything within your power to ensure that your employees are safe. The best way to do so is to invest in the safety training and ensure workplace safety awareness is a global standard.. These steps can reduce the likelihood of accidents and injuries in the workplace. Consider the following four ways to improve your training and minimize the risks that might be present in your workplace. Remember, your employees are your most valuable resource.  

Make it Hands-On

Many safety training programs entail an educational video and not much else. While a video might be helpful, it is unlikely to be as effective as a more involved means of training. Rather than simply telling employees what they should do to be safe, take your training to the next level and show them how to be safe. Integrate a hands-on component to your program by demonstrating safety techniques and inviting staff to participate, too. Business leaders such as John F. Malloy , Chairman, President & CEO of Victaulic understand how important and effective this approach can be for workplaces of all kinds.

Use Multiples Approaches

While many employees will likely respond well to a hands-on approach, some might absorb the information of a video better. Everybody learns differently, and it is important to remember this when you are teaching a topic as important as safety. John Malloy with Victaulic has led Victaulic’s business by innovating effective new training techniques that integrate multiple learning styles. When you are training employees in safety practices, present the information in multiples ways and formats so that everyone understands the concepts you are trying to impart. This can prevent miscommunication and ensure that your global staff understands safety policies.

Reward Best Practices

When you train your staff, it is wise to provide a goal beyond the mere absorption of knowledge. Many employees will be motivated by this alone, but others might need an additional incentive to engage and understand the principles you are imparting. Business leaders such as John F. Malloy have developed effective new training programs to eliminate workplace hazards and injuries. When it comes to safety, you can apply this same concept by acknowledging  staff who demonstrate that they are competent in best practices.

Tailor to Workplace

Regardless of what industry you are in, safety should be of the utmost importance. At a minimum, providing basic training on the best safety practices is a necessity , but you should also train staff in the safety practices that are directly applicable to your workplace. If you work in a warehouse, for example, provide training on the best practices for operating machinery. If you manage an office, be sure that your staff is trained in how to avoid repetitive motion injuries. Entrepreneurs such as John Malloy with Victaulic know the importance of tailoring safety training to the specifications of your workplace.

All of these tips can help you maximize the effectiveness of your safety training and minimize the chances of workplace injuries occurring on the job. Implement these approaches if you want to strive to make your organization a safe place to work.

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